A letter to my three old Son
Every year, I try to write an open letter to my son where I look back an entire year of his growth, progress, strength and positivity provided to me thanks to his amazing personality...... This year is no different..
So here you go!
Dear Neev,
Happy 3rd Birthday! You've been eagerly awaiting "Happ Daddy..." for months now. I must admit, I'm reluctant to see this age come to an end.
You are a kind and affectionate boy, always ready with a variety of kisses throughout the day, from traditional ones like butterfly and to your special one- "lots of puppies mom," which I adore. Your caring nature shines through as you comfort me when I just said jokingly "I am not feeling well."
This past year, you have grown from a barely speaking few words child into a confident kid who can explain to me your problems, negotiations, and desire. Dropping you off at preschool on that first day was the most difficult day for me (I remember that day as house became very quiet and, frankly it was very depressing), but seeing how quickly you adapted and found your strength fills me with pride. From not eating any vegetables to eating all vegetables, eating by yourself and not to mention you wake us up in the night, when you want to go for bathroom (seriously amazed me).
Your quiet resilience and independent spirit are qualities I cherish and admire in you. I feel always proud when your teachers mentioned to me that you are very independent compare to your age group :).
You have unknowingly helped me overcome my self-doubt by showing me unwavering love and goodness. Being your mother brings me immense joy and certainty that I hold close every day.
As I say good night to you every night, know that my love for you is greater than anything in this world.